Find out what impression your website makes on customers, and how to amplify it.

Send me your website and I will send you free feedback with guidelines on what to improve.

Check what first impression you make on customers
See if your offer is easy to understand
Find out exactly what to improve on your website

People say it's just value

Share how you make people's lives easier. Specifically.

If we don’t know each other, this is Lech – the self-proclaimed king of feedback 👑 in pages and communication.

Some fear the review will be razor-sharp but then say that’s what they need.

I know how to increase the clarity of what you have to offer the world and use it effectively on the website.

I will also send you my template, which I use to tell the selling story on clients' websites.

I promised it to everyone who comes through the link from Justyna’s podcast. It’s a manual with sections and clear directions on what to write about and where.

Get your free feedback and learn how to amplify the impression your website makes.

Send us your website

Send your name, email, and your website address

Watch the video feedback

You will get practical tips with examples in a short video

Use the tips

Amplify your message and increase the effectiveness of your website

Wypełnij pola i odbierz miniaudyt + wskazówki.

Klikając „zamawiam feedback” wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych w celu odesłania Ci przeze mnie materiałów. Więcej w naszej polityce prywatności.

Enter your email and website address below and get a free review + tips on what to improve